Much of the vote fraud has been through Dominion Voting Systems.
BREAKING NEWS: @RudyGiuliani has confirmed whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. OMG. They stole election. Switched votes from @realDonaldTrump . What did he really get? 81 MM votes? 91 MM? But they stole it. Biggest scandal in world history. Got ‘em!
Why the name Dominion? Perhaps this:
Genesis 1:26-And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
the power or right of governing and controlling; sovereign authority.
rule; control; domination.
a territory, usually of considerable size, in which a single rulership holds sway.
lands or domains subject to sovereignty or control.
Government. a territory constituting a self-governing commonwealth and being one of a number of such territories united in a community of nations, or empire: formerly applied to self-governing divisions of the British Empire, as Canada and New Zealand.
dominions, Theology. domination (def. 3).
The name is fitting given what they were really trying to do.
They almost certainly haven't just been messing with American votes. Literally in collusion with the Clinton Foundation, they have been picking and choosing who wins elections world wide.
Let that sink in. They have been choosing who they want in charge of nations around the world. It was, in effect, a scheme to take over the world.
How's that for megalomania? Wow.
Obama's DOJ was in on it. Right after Obama was elected (really elected? hmm...) the Obama DOJ forced a competitor to Dominion to sell its voting systems assets to Dominion.
Here are the details of how the Obama administration helped Dominion:
Syctl is a voting system company based in Barcelona Spain. It was funded by people who were in a revolving door with Booz Allen Hamilton, which is owned by the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is closely associated with the Bush dynasty.
"Scytl purchased a 100% interest in SOE software, an up and coming player in the American elections market with their Clarity Software Suite which is used in 525 jurisdictions in 19 states.
SOE has a strategic partnership with ES & S, the major marketer of electronic voting systems in the US.
ES & S was sued by the US DOJ in 2009 on anti-trust grounds after purchasing Diebold's elections division, Premier Election Solutions. ES & S subsequently sold Premier to rival manufacturer Dominion. "
What does this mean?
Syctl essentially owned SOE which was in partnership with ES&S.
Obama's DOJ forced ES&S to sell its Diebold's Election system to Dominion.
Obama DOJ forced the sale of Scytl’s partner to Dominion.
Essentially the voting system that was linked to Bush people was forced by Obama people to be sold to Dominion.
Dominion then partnered with the Clinton Foundation to bring their voting system to countries all over the world:
from Carroll Quigley's thread:

From the Clinton Foundation website: we can see Dominion is a major contributor:
The current owners of Dominion are Bush dynasty associates.
Staple Street Capital now owns Dominion. Former Carlyle Group & Cerberus Cap execs.
Bush associates were in on it. Bush associates are the current owners of Dominion.

Dominion also serves in key battleground states in the US, and all of the states where lawsuits are pending:

A Patriotic Nerd Programmer appears to have uncovered the Fraud of the Century:
A programmer says wanted to check if the glitches were really in the voting data or just in the media transmission, so he made a script to run through the data and gather all instances where votes switched from Trump to Biden. He also found Lost Votes which means that the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting.
Switched votes are votes that were taken from Trump and given to Biden.
Lost votes are voted that disappeared during the counting, from both candidates.
There might be a small overlap between Switched votes and Lost votes.
Here is what he found:
Dominion Voting Systems :
Pennsylvania : Switched : 220,883 Lost Votes : 941,248
New Jersey : Switched : 80,242 Lost Votes : 20
Florida : Switched : 21,422 Lost Votes : 456
Michigan : Switched : 20,213 Lost Votes : 21,882
New York : Switched : 18,124 Lost Votes : 623,213
Georgia : Switched : 17,407 Lost Votes : 33,574
Ohio : Switched : 14,965 Lost Votes : 5,102
Virginia : Switched : 12,163 Lost Votes : 789,023
California : Switched : 7,701 Lost Votes : 10,989
Arizona : Switched : 4,492 Lost Votes : 0
Minnesota : Switched : 2,766 Lost Votes : 195,650
Tennessee : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 0
Louisiana : Switched : 2,322 Lost Votes : 0
Illinois : Switched : 2,166 Lost Votes : 54,730
Wisconsin : Switched : 2,078 Lost Votes : 3,408
Colorado : Switched : 1,809 Lost Votes : 0
Utah : Switched : 1,627 Lost Votes : 0
New Hampshire : Switched : 973 Lost Votes : 116
Iowa : Switched : 938 Lost Votes : 477
New Mexico : Switched : 268 Lost Votes : 4,610
Missouri : Switched 0 : Lost Votes : 20,730
Nevada : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Alaska : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Washington : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Hawaii : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Kansas and Texas use Premier Election Solutions, owned by Dominion Voting Systems.
Texas : Switched : 14,954 Lost Votes : 30,557
Kansas : Switched : 1,674 Lost Votes : 2,154
Election Systems & Software :
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Kentucky : Switched : 8,129 Lost Votes : 23,849
Arkansas : Switched : 3,664 Lost Votes : 20,748
South Carolina : Switched : 2,779 Lost Votes : 2,119
Montana : Switched : 2,330 Lost Votes : 1,276
South Dakota : Switched : 1,347 Lost Votes : 1
North Dakota : Switched : 234 Lost Votes : 681
Maryland : Switched : 203 Lost Votes : 0
North Carolina : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 15
District of Columbia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Unknown Systems:
Nebraska : Switched : 30,086 Lost Votes : 50
Connecticut : Switched : 3,834 Lost Votes : 272
Massachusetts : Switched : 3,613 Lost Votes : 51
Oregon : Switched 2,557 Lost Votes : 0
Alabama : Switched : 1,170 Lost Votes : 408
Mississippi : Switched : 355 Lost Votes : 0
Maine : Switched : 271 Lost Votes : 35
Rhode Island : Switched : 6 Lost Votes : 13
West Virginia : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 78,300
Idaho : Switched 0 Lost Votes : 0
Oklahoma : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Indiana : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Delaware : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
Vermont : Switched : 0 Lost Votes : 0
NOTE : Lost votes are votes that disappeared, not only for Trump, but overall.
"I went looking through the data I got from my script, trying to find if the moment the Antrim glitch happened in Michigan is there. And it is. Here is the Data. [ page/michigan/president.json ]. And here is the specific part when the switch happened. [ ]. You can see in that picture, that Trump lost 3,096 votes, those all went to Biden. BUT, Trump also lost 2,324 votes, that went from Trump to Jorgensen.
All the nerdy details are here:
Did he get it right? We will see...
Other internet nerd sleuths are on it as well finding out a vast amount of damning information about Dominion:
"Dominion.... Care to explain why you are blacklisted and show up on the Threat Intel sites 75+ times 🤷🏽♂️

Ahhhhh, that explains it...
Makes me feel so much better you are all over the Dark Web...

Wow these people are comp’d af...I haven’t really even dug in yet but it is a joke how bad it is...
The Deep State person who was preventing election fraud investigations at the DOJ has just resigned!
US Attorney General Bill Barr has now authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified, per the Associated Press.
“In a memo to U.S. attorneys … Barr wrote that investigations ‘may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.’”
In response to Barr’s memo, Richard Pilger, the top DOJ official overseeing voter fraud investigations quit, according to the New York Times.
I posed a thread about how the gatekeeper of criminal election fraud at the DOJ is Richard Pilger, who worked closely with Lois Lerner at the IRS in the Obama days (ie, when the DOJ rabidly pursued the president’s agenda — good, bad, or mostly ugly — to target Tea Party orgs. — Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 10, 2020
Richard Pilger, when subpoenaed to Capitol Hill by House Oversight, Darrell Issa in 2014, refused to answer over three dozen questions under oath on the advice of DOJ attorneys.
6/ Pilger, when subpoenaed to Capitol Hill by House Oversight, Darrell Issa in 2014, refused to answer over three dozen questions under oath on the advice of DOJ attorneys. And despite this history, Pilger is STILL in charge of the same department at DOJ/ — Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 8, 2020
Pilger was blocking investigations as revealed by a coworker:
I worked with Pilger… He was so arrogant and never let us pull the trigger on election fraud cases. He resigned because of this right here… Barr told “prosecutors they could take investigative steps such as interviewing witnesses during a period that they would normally need permission from the elections crimes section.” Before Barr’s annoucement, that permission came directly and solely from Pilger. He was arrogant and lazy… He lost the power today so now he’s walking. Good riddance.
OAN: WHITE HOUSE REPORTS: Ukraine judge names Joe a criminal suspect in court docs
Here's a copy on Youtube. Crime is firing prosecutor in exchange for 1 billion dollars grant. Previously named in case as a unnamed American. Court now has revealed his name and added it to court docs. The video tape of previous Ukraine president, Kerry and Biden discussing the removal of the prosecutor has been released by a member of parliament . The crime is said to qualify for a charge of high treason. Not sure who they are accusing of that.
You would think that would be headlines in the US if our domestic media were the slightest bit honest.
Smartmatics also suspect...
Smartmatic uses or has used Dominion computer code:
"The Comelec continues to turn a blind eye to the fact that Smartmatic can never comply with Philippine laws because it is another foreign company - Canadian and US-based-Dominion Voting Systems - that owns and can solely decide to release or not for independent review of political parties and interested groups, the election computer program including the source code. In an official letter Dominion Voting Systems, according to the IT consultant of Chairman Melo and now Chairman Brillantes, does not, and will not, authorize Smartmatic, the contracted party of Comelec, to release the source code to other interested parties including political parties."
"Smartmatic was contracted in 2004 for the automation of electoral processes in Venezuela. Since 2004, its election technology has been used in local and national elections in Africa,[18]Argentina,[19]Belgium,[20]Brazil,[21]Chile,[22]Ecuador,[23]Italy[24]Mexico,[25]the Philippines,[26]Singapore,[27]the United Kingdom,[28]theUnited States[29]andVenezuela.[30]"

Chairman of the Board of Smartmantics - Dominion Voting Systems manufactured voting machines used in Michigan, Georgia/33 U.S. states is Mark Malloch Brown, serves on the Open Societies Foundation Board (founded by George Soros- Malloch Brown's ties to Soros are strong and many.)
Mark Malloch Brown's ties to the Globalist agenda are deep. Look at his 2012 book: The Unfinished Global Revolution: The Pursuit of A new International Politics
by Mark Malloch-Brown. In The Unfinished Global Revolution former United Nations Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch-Brown diagnoses the central global predicament of the 21st century: as we've become more integrated, we've also become less governed. Domestic problems facing individual nations—from unemployment to environmental distress—increasingly arise from international roots. As national ...more here...
Lord Mark Malloch Brown is integral to the World Economic Forum.
Smartmatic is originally a Venezuelan company, used by the Venezuelan dictatorship to mess the elections there and abroad. SMARTMATIC is the company in charge of the FRAUDULENT Voting System in Venezuela. All voting systems in the 50 feed their data into Election Managenent Systems by SCYTL, GCR, ARRIKAN, VR Sys. The network components are firewalled but accessible from the Internet. SCYTEL Data go to Barcelona and Frankfurt.

The traitorous Muslim CIA head under Obama, John Brennan, actually just called for Pence and the cabinet to execute a coup against Trump before Inauguration Day:
See him squirm here:
The guilty start to flee?:
The former head of Google just bought citizenship in Cyprus. He was also very involved in Hillary's election tech...
Strangely the link to his work on Hillary's campaign electronic tech was working last night but is not working now. and neither is a second link.. hmm.
Who is Eric Schmidt?
Some quotes from him:
He was the driving force behind Google giving Dragonfly to China against internal objection at Google. Dragonfly was essentially China's Social Credit System. He tried to have a high speed optical cable to the US from China but was blocked by Trump. There is a vast amount of damning information about Eric Schmidt here:
November 10th, 2020
Former Google CEO and Clinton lackey Eric Schmidt has reportedly applied to become a citizen of the island of Cyprus, essentially buying a passport that would allow him to enter the European Union. The move as Schmidt is reportedly being courted for a prominent tech role in a Biden administration.
The Cyprus citizenship program is one of around a half-dozen programs in the world that allows foreigners to essentially purchase citizenship rights, bypassing any residency requirements by making a payment or investment in the host country.
Schmidt is known for his close ties to the Democrats, as well as his deep involvement with their election campaigns. These have paid off in terms of government roles at both the state and national level.
Wikileaks revealed that Schmidt was also the brains behind the Hillary Clinton campaign:
In April 2014, Schmidt sent Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills a detailed plan for the 2016 campaign, writing "If we get started soon, we will be in a very strong position to execute well for 2016." The plan laid out ideas for the campaign, like where it should be headquartered and who should be hired.
In an email to Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook the same month, Podesta wrote that Schmidt seemed eager to be a part of an exploratory committee and "clearly wants to be head outside advisor, but didn't seem like he wanted to push others out." Podesta wrote that Schmidt was "ready to fund, advise recruit talent, etc." and was "more deferential on structure than I expected."
Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google’s new parent company, Alphabet, was instrumental in forming the start-up that is the major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Schmidt’s net worth is estimated by Forbes to be more than $10 billion.
Quartz commented that the company’s website consists “only of a grey-on-black triangle logo that suggests ‘the digital roots of change’ while also looking vaguely like the Illuminati symbol.”
He did admit The Groundwork and its parent company, Chicago-based Timshel–which, according to its website, is named for a Hebrew word meaning “you may”–are “all one project, with the same backers,” whom Slaby refused to name.