Top picture is the "police" in Ottawa. The bottom picture is a painting in the Denver Airport long reputed to be an Illuminati hub. Even the yellow shoulder patches match.

The Freedom Convoy is On!
Freedom Convoy: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomConvoyUsa2022/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepeoplesconvoyusa/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/peoplesconvoyus
The People’s Convoy Route* *Route subject to change Day 1: Wednesday, February 23 Morning – Depart Adelanto Stadium, CA Evening – Arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay Day 2: Thursday, February 24 Morning – Depart Kingman, AZ head east on I-40, toward Lupton, AZ Evening – Arrive in Lupton, AZ for overnight stay Day 3: Friday, February 25 Morning – Depart Lupton, AZ on I-40 eastbound thru New Mexico Evening – Arrive in Glenrio, TX for overnight stay Day 4: Saturday, February 26 Morning – Depart Glenrio, TX Evening – Arrive in Elk City, OK area for overnight stay Day 5: Sunday, February 27 Morning – Depart Elk City, OK area Evening – Arrive in Vinita, OK area for overnight stay
Day 6: Monday, February 28 Morning – Depart Vinita, OK area Evening – Arrive in Sullivan, MO area for overnight stay Day 7: Tuesday, March 1 Morning – Depart Sullivan, MO area Evening – Arrive in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay Day 8: Wednesday, March 2 Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area Evening – Pause for rest in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay Day 9: Thursday, March 3 Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area Evening – Arrive in Cambridge, OH area for overnight stay Day 10: Friday, March 4 Morning – Depart Cambridge, OH area Evening – Arrive in Hagerstown, MD area for overnight stay Day 11: Saturday, March 5 Morning – Depart Hagerstown, MD area Evening – Arrive in the DC Beltway area
The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.
The People’s Convoy is a non-partisan, trucker-led effort supported by a cross-cultural and multi-faith contingent of supporters including :
Dr. Pierre Kory and the doctors of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
Liberty-minded lawyers such as Tom Renz and Joey Gilbert (Gubernatorial candidate – Nevada)
Pastors like Rob McCoy and Rick Brown of Godspeak Church
Transportation workers including rail workers and pilots A broad consortium of organizations including
The Unity Project
The America Project
Advocates for Citizens’ Rights
U.S. Freedom Flyers
The American Foundation for Civil Liberties & Freedom
Faith groups from every spectrum
For more see here: https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Press-Release-Feb-21-FINAL.pdf
An organizer of one of multiple US trucker convoys that are getting ready to descend on DC says they will be like a “giant boa constrictor,”
Bob Bolus, who owns a truck parts and towing business in Scranton, Pennsylvania, says that they are protesting a range of issues including fuel prices and vaccine mandates.
Organizers of one convoy, called the “People’s Convoy,” claim that they have 1,000 truckers ready to participate “right out the gate,” but believe it will likely grow as it moves from California to DC.
“We will be along the Beltway where the Beltway will be shut down,” Bolus said in an interview with Fox 5 on Sunday.
“I’ll give you an analogy of that of a giant boa constrictor,” Bolus said. “That basically squeezes you, chokes you and it swallows you, and that’s what we’re going to do to DC.”
The reporter asked Bolus if he understood the “impact on those trying to get to work and the risk to those in need of emergency responders.”
“There will be a lane open for emergency vehicles, they’ll be able to get in and out and all that,” Bolus replied. “We will not compromise anybody’s safety or health, one way or the other. As far as if they can’t get to work, geez that’s too bad.”
Truth Social is Go!
According to Fox Business, users who pre-ordered the app will be given access over the next 10 days.
The app is already used by Fox News host Sean Hannity and conservative commentator Dan Bongino, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, and country music singer Travis Tritt, Fox Business reported.
Former Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, who in December became the CEO of TMTG, appeared on the Fox News show “Sunday Morning Futures” to talk up the venture.
“Every day we bring on more and more Americans and we’re getting to you as quickly as possible,”
“We’re doing something that is really, Maria, it’s just such a great opportunity for President Trump, for me, for our whole team that’s working at TMTG around the clock, especially as you see the excitement of people who have been booted from social media for the last two or three years,”
“I mean, there’s excitement on our platform right now and people, it’s inspirational,” “Honestly, it’s just it’s actually very moving for me to see people that are on the platform that have had their voice canceled. You know, that’s that’s our main goal here, is to give people their voice back.”
Nunes said that feedback is sharpening TRUTH Social’s ability to meet the needs of its users. He said he expects it to be “fully operational” by the end of March.

Must see! Hilarious and so so very appropriate...

Short video here: https://greatawakening.win/p/141ro9FU0a/awesome-/c/
This may also be in the works:

Excellent short video proving both the Mockingbird Media effect and Legacy media collusion regarding the spying on Trump, 1 minute 07 seconds.:

These are quotes from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, followed by <analysis>:
"2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: c. freedom of peaceful assembly;"
<Which doesn't include blocking roads or interfering with businesses. However, under the Emergencies Act even gathering on the sidewalks to protest is now illegal in the "Red Zone" of Ottawa.>
"6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada
<But even before the invocation of the Emergencies Act, the unvaccinated are denied that right. They are imprisoned in Canada.>
"8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."
<Unless you donated to the Freedom Convoy, in which case, the government may now freeze your bank account ex post facto. i.e., they made it illegal after the fact. This is like the following scenario: You are walking down the street singing "Cracklin Rosy". The next day, you learn that your bank account is frozen because they made singing "Cracklin' Rosy" illegal retroactively. This flies in the face of basic common law and is specifically prohibited in:>
"11. Any person charged with an offence has the right:
not to be found guilty on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted an offence under Canadian or international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations"
These are just a few examples. The Emergencies Act basically empowers the Prime Minister to be a dictator and ignore the charter of rights.
I pray that the Canadian people can someday reclaim these rights.
Remember from 2018... still to be done...:

Canadian Government is now unfreezing bank accounts because of fears of a run on the bank. Parliament Senate still has to vote and are debating the Emergency Act.
Isabelle Jacques, an assistant deputy minister at the federal Department of Finance, says people whose bank accounts were frozen in the last week for supporting or participating in the blockades in Ottawa or at border crossings are starting to have their accounts unfrozen.
Jacques says at a meeting of the House of Commons finance committee that no more accounts are being frozen and the RCMP on Monday shared a list of people with the banks whose accounts should be reopened.
Conservative MP Philip Lawrence says "Canadians are afraid" that even a small donation to the convoy could ruin them financially.
Jacques says if that donation happened after Feb. 15 it is possible but unlikely a small donation would lead to a frozen account.
Meanwhile, the government's representative in the Senate says members of a parliamentary committee set up to scrutinize the Emergencies Act will have to take an oath of secrecy.
Sen. Marc Gold also told senators that ministers are receiving hourly police updates about potential threats around the country to assess if the emergency law is still needed.
The Senate is debating whether to confirm the government's decision to invoke the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history over protests and blockades of Canada's borders by people opposing vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions.
On Monday evening a majority of the House of Commons voted in favour of confirming the act after the NDP backed the minority Liberal government.
The act must also pass through the Senate, which plans to hold extra-long sittings to debate it. If it fails to approve it, the act would be immediately revoked.
If approved, a special joint committee of both the House of Commons and the Senate will be established to carry out a rolling review of the government’s actions under the act.
But Sen. Scott Tannas, leader of the Canadian Senators Group, expressed concern that the committee would not be set up swiftly enough. He asked Gold to commit to explaining every day until it convenes why the committee had not yet been constituted.
In often heated exchanges on Tuesday, Gold faced a barrage of questions from senators, including those querying whether the act was still needed now that the Ottawa protest and blockades of Canada's borders have ended.
"What emergency exists today other than some secret emergency you can't tell us about?" asked Tannas.
Tannas said it was a "testimony to Canadians even when they are hot under the collar and the professionalism of the police" that no one had been seriously hurt in the protests.
Gold said he believed that "the job is not yet done," warning that blockades could return and there are signs some protesters are reconvening. "The calm we now see may be the calm before other events," he said.
He said ministers were receiving hourly updates from police forces around the country to inform them of potential threats so they could continuously assess if the powers in the act are still required. He said the protests had "metastasized into an explosion of illegal activities."
In lively exchanges, Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos questioned provisions in the Emergencies Act that allow banks to freeze protesters' accounts without a court order. He said a court order is needed even to freeze the bank account of a member of the mafia.
He also accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of stoking the flames of division and of not speaking to protesters but speaking down to them and characterizing them as Nazis.
He criticized the prime minister for labelling Tory MPs who have not condemned the protests as supporting people who wave swastikas. Some protesters were seen flying swastika and Confederate flags and some organizers have been known to promote racist conspiracy theories online.
Gold staunchly defended the prime minister and said he does not recognize the Tory senator's characterization of Trudeau's actions and comments. He said the Emergencies Act is justified because of the gravity of the protests, adding that everyone could resolve to listen more and listen better.
Germany Announces Their Plan To Target Trump Supporters And ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ By FREEZING Their Bank Accounts
Faeser’s plan is similar to that of Justin Trudeau’s in Canada: in order to “stop radicalization and smash right-wing extremist networks”, the German government will go after the money of their critics. “We will trace the extremists’ financial flows and take away their sources of income, and we will very consistently disarm them.”
The Democracy Promotion Act which is being prepared in Germany, will also consistently combat adversaries of the leftists by deploying the police and security authorities, while increasing the already overwhelming flow of leftist propaganda. “It is also the responsibility of all of us as a society. That is why we will strengthen social commitment, political education and the prevention of extremism.”
The media, parties and associations in Germany work systematically to blend the differences between conservatives and the extreme right, so that any criticism becomes synonymous with “extreme right” and vice versa as is happening in Canada.
Also important to know about:
Children are being exposed to obscene and illegal sex acts within Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse.
A BBC News researcher posed as a 13-year-old child and was approached by adult men and exposed to grooming, witnessed simulated sex, and received rape threats.
“The BBC News researcher – using an app with a minimum age rating of 13 – visited virtual-reality rooms where avatars were simulating sex. She was shown sex toys and condoms, and approached by numerous adult men,” the BBC reports. “The metaverse is the name given to games and experiences accessed by people wearing virtual reality headsets. The technology, previously confined to gaming, could be adapted for use in many other areas – from work to play, concerts to cinema trips.”
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is warning that some of the apps are “dangerous by design” and told the BBC that they are “shocked and angry” at the reporter’s findings.
“BBC News also spoke to a safety campaigner who has spent months investigating VRChat and who now posts his videos on YouTube. He has spoken to children who say they were groomed on the platform and forced to take part in virtual sex. He chooses to remain anonymous because he is concerned for the safety of his family,” the report states. “The safety campaigner explained because VR is so immersive, children actually have to act out sexual movements.”
Mark Zuckerberg recently rebranded Facebook as “Meta” and the Oculus Quest headset as the Meta Quest — as he believes the Metaverse will be “the future of the internet.”
One of the most popular apps being used on the Meta Quest is called VRChat, where users can explore and interact using 3D avatars. The app has no age verification checks and was where the reporter accessed the virtual strip club.
“Children mix freely with adults,” the BBC report noted. “One man told our researcher that avatars can ‘get naked and do unspeakable things’. Others talked about ‘erotic role-play.'”
Head of online child safety policy at the NSPCC, Andy Burrows, said that “it’s children being exposed to entirely inappropriate, really incredibly harmful experiences.”
