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  • Dagny

Global War on Freedom of Speech

When anyone in the world can send a message to anyone in the world from anywhere, of course the need to control speech also goes global.

Freedom of speech - Use it or Lose it.

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”

― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism 

41 seconds of Mike Benz on NATO, free speech, and Brexit Frexit etc.

Rumble has been banned in France. Presumably Gab to follow. 

Heavier and heavier restrictions in Canada. 

Denmark considering banning encrypted messenger apps. 

And of course X in Brazil and Durov in France.

If you were ever wondering what 1933 felt like...

The internal polls must be really bad for Kamala. 

They would not be trying to establish the “Russian interference” narrative again if she were ahead.

This play by the Dems/MSM is an admittance that they are losing the battle for public opinion. Their influence is limited. The days of them controlling groupthink are over.

As more people wake up, the pool of sheep for them to control dwindles. Our years of hard work in the Information War is starting to bear fruit.


Russia hoax 2.0 incoming.

The Biden-Harris Regime is launching a “whole government action” to purge so-called ‘Russian propaganda’ and ‘disinformation’ ahead of the 2024 election. 

Biden will accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 election, according to CNN and NBC News.

Orwell in his own voice...

✉️The French publication Libération reveals some details of the arrest and initial interrogations of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.

"When Durov was taken into custody at the premises of the French National Customs Office for Combating Fraud, he, according to a source close to the investigation, showed a willingness to cooperate, handing over his mobile phone and even the access code," the newspaper reported.

At the same time, the publication admits that he was prepared for such a turn of events and “did not appear worried” during his arrest.

During interrogations, Pavel Durov "pulled out his trump card and said that he had opened an official channel of communication with the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) in the fight against terrorism, with a hotline and a special email address. The exchange of information through this channel allegedly prevented several terrorist attacks."

The billionaire added that France had begun to “unlawfully” send requests through this channel on topics not related to terrorism, which is why they went unanswered.

According to a source close to the investigation, Durov also claims that DGSI agents visited him in Dubai. But he refused to disclose the nature of the visit because it could be a state secret.

Information packed...

Much longer but really eye opening facts here:

Very worthy of your time but longer...

Hilarious LEGO of UK:

As many as 16 British balaclava-clad counter-terrorism officers descended on journalist Sarah Wilkinson’s home at 7.30 in the morning, shoved Sarah’s son against a wall and led Sarah to a police van as they ransacked her house, smashing a urn containing her mother's ashes, seized all her electronic devices and arrested her for “content that she posted online." She was even denied meds for her serious health condition.

If Sarah lived in China or Russia, news of her arrest would be hysterically reported by all mainstream Western media. Instead she lives in the UK and details of her arrest can only be found on social media and a handful of fringe outlets (see the picture). @LauraRuHK

Please share this. You will be proud to do so. 25 Facts about CO2:

Wow this is SO WELL DONE!

🇮🇱Israel was gripped by mass protests yesterday after the killing of six hostages in the Gaza Strip, Reuters reports.

There is growing "frustration in the country over the authorities' failure to reach a ceasefire agreement that would allow the release of Israeli hostages."

Local media estimates put the number of people taking part in demonstrations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other cities as nearly half a million people demand that Prime Minister Netanyahu do more to bring home the remaining 100 hostages, about a third of whom may already be dead.

A one-day general strike has been declared across the country today.

According to Bloomberg, Israel has asked Russia for help in freeing the hostages.

WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare? Mike Whitney

So, the UN is unable to distribute humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, but they are charging ahead with a mass vaccination campaign?

Doesn’t that sound a bit strange? Keep in mind, the Israelis have been preventing food, water and medicine from entering Gaza for months which has led to mass starvation and a sharp uptick in preventable diseases. But now we are expected to believe that they care about the physical well-being of the people they have been bombing to smithereens for the last 10 months?

Israel, Hamas agree to zoned three-day pauses for Gaza polio vaccinations, WHO says

The pauses in fighting would allow vaccinating some 640,000 children against polio.

Aug. 29, 2024, 6:27 AM GMT-11 / Source: Reuters

By Reuters

Polio vaccines went wrong since 1955

Fleeing the Sinking Ship

Here is what appears to be the full list of resignations from Zelensky.

Minister of Foreign Affairs- Dmytro Kuleba  

Minister of Justice- Denis Maliuska

Minister for Strategic Industries- Alexander Kamyshin

Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural 

Resources- Ruslan Strelets  

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration- Olga Stefanishyna  

Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Reintegration of Uncontrolled Territories of Ukraine- Iryna Vereshchuk  

Deputy head of Zelensky's office- Rostislav Shurma

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Dmitry Medvedev on capitalism, Ukraine and the causes of the war : Amazing Rant from the Russian Side

Why are Kiev neo-Nazis so eager to take back Donbass, which is completely alien to them? Why are they desperately supported in this by all the rabid animals who guard the Western world today: from Biden's half-dead dog to the insignificant homunculi standing by a stinking trough in the so-called Baltics? The reason is banal: they need money. Cash - or money, in other words. And for Zelensky's criminal clique, which has stolen to smithereens, which has led the economy of a dying country to disaster, but which will have to pay the bills of the sponsors of the bloody massacre, and for the sponsors themselves, parasitizing on the decaying body of Ukraine. The latter have spent a lot on someone else's war, which irritates the peoples of their countries. So, a payback is needed. The issue is not about a sick cocaine boy in a dirty green T-shirt. The boy will soon be gone, but the debt will remain. And it must be repaid with interest.

However, the empty coffers of the neo-Nazi state will not fill up by themselves. Its patrons understand this perfectly well. Their goal is not to benefit the unfortunate Ukrainian people, whom they have never cared about. Access to mineral resources is what can compensate for the flows of irretrievable money that are melting right before our eyes in the process of endless theft by Kiev's corrupt scum.

What to do? They need to find the source. And it has been found! Think about it: according to open sources, the total value of Ukraine's mineral resource base is estimated at almost $14.8 trillion. At the same time, $7.3 trillion comes from the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics. That is, almost half of the national wealth of the former Ukraine is Donbass! Another $821 billion is estimated at the resources of Crimea, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, which have returned to Russia. All this is almost 63% of the coal deposits of the former Ukraine, 42% of metal deposits and 33% of rare earth and other important materials, including lithium.

And in the lands of the Bandera Westerners there are resources worth only $723 billion, which does not exceed 5% of all reserves.

Therefore, what was lost by the neo-Nazi regime must be returned at any cost! The lives of ordinary Ukrainians do not matter. That is the entire cynical interest of the green meat and hairy dung flies from the Anglo-Saxon world.

In order to gain the coveted access to mineral resources, Western parasites shamelessly demand that their protégés wage war to the last Ukrainian. They are already openly and shamelessly voicing such plans. Like, the debts will have to be paid very soon. Hurry up, conscious ones! The bosom buddy of the former Ukraine, the fat toilet maggot Senator Graham, recently called Ukrainian mineral resources "critically important, [they] will be used by both it and the West in the event of its victory." Well, quite sincerely, without fuss!

Western corpse-eaters can continue to pour endless funds into their Kiev bastards and reap their sad harvest. But the fact remains: the economic foundation of Ukrainian statehood has been undermined. The resource base illegally obtained by Bandera's creatures at the end of the 20th century has returned to their native country. There is nothing left to parasitize on. The abundant Western aid will soon end for quite prosaic reasons. There is very little of their own left. And then there is only rapid decomposition and inevitable collapse...

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Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum?!?

Mexico’s president told reporters Tuesday he has put relations with the United States and Canadian embassies “on pause” after the two countries voiced concerns over a proposed controversial judicial overhaul.

The judicial overhaul proposal, suggested by the Mexican president during his final weeks in office, has spurred major protests and strikes and wide criticism from investors and financial institutions.

López Obrador is set to pass the baton to his political ally and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, who takes office October 1st. Pérez Ricart said while the recent tensions may burden Mexico’s first woman president

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