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In the Middle of the Battle


Important Message from General Michael Flynn


I ask that you stand with me today in renouncing this betrayal of trust that has burdened our nation and breached the foundation of our American ideals.

Let us proclaim with one united voice across this land that we will hold the line and never allow the rightful power of the citizens of the United States of America to be uprooted, undercut, usurped or held hostage by a coup against our nation, a duly elected president, or any future president of these United States.

I want you to think about this statement for one moment — it is inconceivable that America would ever experience a coup, but that is precisely what has been happening.

The events of these past four years are testing the will of our nation. We fight not for a government, a political party, an oligarchy, a king or royal family, an ideology or a central committee — or to protect material possessions.

As Americans, we fight for our own freedoms — for precious ideals built on a foundation of God-given rights that ensure our way of life and all around us; these are what we must be prepared to defend with our very lives.

Our core American ideals and values codified by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and by the framers of our Constitution have stood the test of time only with our support. It requires that we judiciously exercise our right to vote into office accountable officials as well as our responsibility to question and hold those elected, appointed and unelected officials to account.

Together, all of America continues to overcome this enormous hurdle. While we may falter from time to time, we will not fail. When we do falter, we must help each other get back on our feet, dust ourselves off and face head-on whatever lies ahead.

In the breach, we continue to be relentlessly tested with false accusations, untruths and hatred for our beliefs and for raising our voices, but we cannot be deterred, and our bonds of liberty must not break.

On the strength of one link in the cable depends the might of the chain. Let the strength of your family be the first link; add to it your neighbors, your community and your friends. We are all one nation under God and one people: Americans.

To all Americans, what we choose to do in this life should not be stopped by fear, an emotion manifested by illusion. Never allow fear into your heart or allow it to trick you.

Instead, embrace uncertainty as a driving force for discovery and understanding; accept the risk that comes with daily sacrifice; work to overcome the sheer magnitude of life’s challenges, especially during this crucible of our nation’s history.

Our very survival as the nation we were conceived to be — a constitutional republic — is at stake.

Yes, America, we are under attack and on trial. The leftists question our greatness, our potential and the very rights all Americans enjoy. And, while we face what appear to be insurmountable odds, patriots united will win because we are the keepers of that shining city on the hill, and we will not be deterred from accomplishing our mission and performing our duty.

Despite the extraordinary challenges faced, American patriots always “rise up” to defend our faith, our families, our homes, our honor and our nation. Today, perhaps more than ever before, America requires tried, true and tested patriots to lead the way and ensure the future of our children and grandchildren.

As soon as the American majority rises up in one voice to hold evil to account, that is when evil will take the easy way out and implement its escape plan. Evil will drown in a sea of accountability.

When our rule of law is seriously threatened, when our thin blue line is under grave assault, when our churches and synagogues are endangered, when socialism is pounding our gates down, we must stand firm in the breach and hold all bad actors to account.

Even framer Benjamin Franklin, departing the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when asked if we were a monarchy or a republic, he stated, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Patriots, let’s keep it! Send a clear, loud and strong message to the world with our votes on Nov. 3 that we choose freedom. Vote in person, and vote for President Donald J. Trump and every Republican on the ballot. Never has your vote been more important.

As we face Election Day in this time of trial, always remember that in the end, there is only one who is the ultimate judge of our American destiny. America must forever remain “one nation under God.”

God bless America!

For full statement see here:

Chinese Nationals are programming Censorship at Facebook.

There are at least half a dozen “Chinese nationals who are working on censorship,” a former Facebook insider told me last week. “So at some point, they [Facebook bosses] thought, ‘Hey, we’re going to get them H-1B visas so they can do this work.’ ”

The insider shared an internal directory of the team that does much of this work. It’s called Hate-Speech Engineering (George Orwell, call your office), and most of its members are based at Facebook’s offices in Seattle. Many have Ph.D.s, and their work is extremely complex, involving machine learning — teaching “computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed,” as the techy Web site puts it.

When it comes to censorship on social media, that means “teaching” the Facebook code so certain content ends up at the top of your newsfeed, a feat that earns the firm’s software wizards discretionary bonuses, per the ex-insider. It also means making sure other content “shows up dead-last.”

To illustrate the mechanics, the insider took me as his typical Facebook user: “They take what Sohrab sees, and then they throw the newsfeed list into a machine-learning algorithm and neural networks that determine the ranking of the items.”

Facebook engineers test hundreds of different iterations of the rankings to shape an optimal outcome — and root out what bosses call “borderline content.”

It all makes for perhaps the most chillingly sophisticated censorship mechanism in human history. “What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag,” says the ex-insider. Instead, “content that is a little too conservative, they will down-rank. You can’t tell it’s censored.”

I won’t share the names of the Facebook employees in question. The point isn’t to spotlight individuals, but to show how foreign nationals from a state that still bans Facebook have their hands on the levers of social-media censorship here in America.

The Hate-Speech Engineering team’s staff includes a research scientist based at the Seattle office who earned his master’s degree in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Another member of the team, a software engineer for machine learning based in Seattle, earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from Jilin University in northeast China. Still another, an engineering manager, earned his bachelor’s in computer science at Nanjing University in eastern China.

Another software engineer previously worked for the Communist-backed conglomerate Huawei, as well as the Beijing National Railway & Design Institute of Signal and Communication. I reached out to all six employees; two replied to confirm that they are Chinese nationals but refused to comment further; the rest didn’t reply.

Iran, Russia, China all have copies of the Biden Hard Drive...

Bannon made it clear that he knew about the existence of Hunter’s hard drives as early as July, and pointed out that the CCP, Russia, and Iran all have copies of the hard drives. In addition, Rudy Giuliani disclosed on Bannon’s Warroom that direct evidences of Biden’s corruption will be made public ten days before the November election.

During the Interview, Bannon Revealed More Shocking Details of the “Hard Drive Gate”:

  1. Bannon knew the existence of the hard drives as early as July 

  2. The computer repairman delivered a copy of the hard drives to a lawyer of former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani

  3. Bannon was brought into the project and “worked up and executed the roll out plan” of the information in the hard drives 

  4. Bannon clarified again Joe Biden is a “a liar, a fraud, and compromised by Chinese cash” 

  5. The President must “must confront the director of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately” 

  6. The CCP, Russian Intel, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intel Services all have a copy of the hard drives 

LUDE Media disclosed in previous live broadcasts that Hunter Biden’s lawyer asked the computer repairman for the hard drives back and their communication has been retrieved as evidence by Mr. Giuliani.

Giuliani commented on Warroom about the monitoring of communications for people who endanger the national security according to the “FISA Act” [2]. And the President can fully monitor those involved in the case in accordance with the FISA Act and PATRIOT Act [3]. The Biden family’s corruption has surpassed the level of criminal law to even threaten the national security. It is completely legal for communication monitoring in accordance of such acts. Obama monitored President Trump’s phone calls during the “Russiagate.” 

The CCP, Russia, and Iran All Have a Copy of the Hard Drives

Lude and An Hong also mentioned that Bannon’s comments on “The CCP, Russian Intel, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intel Services” owning a copy of the hard drives. Therefore, if Biden becomes president, he will continue his collusion with the CCP, Russia and Iran to sell America.

More verification of the laptop as real:

Secret Service logs obtained earlier this year by Senate investigators include dates and locations matching those discussed in the emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The alignment in dates and location was first spotted by the staff of the Senate Homeland Security and Finance committees. Notably, some of the alleged Hunter Biden emails included discussions of Biden’s travel after he allegedly declined a Secret Service detail.

BREAKING: Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with fmr Moscow mayors wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed firm received $200M -

200 Million to Biden et al? Here's the Proof:

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Yelena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. Until today we didn’t know why Yelena Baturina paid Hunter millions of dollars.

· Donald J. Trump Jr.:

If the FBI had the laptop all along why did they let Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats impeach DonaldTrump for literally being 100% right about Joe Biden? FBI leadership is corrupted.

Perspective from Warren Beattie:

The FBI didn’t do a criminal investigation of Hunters laptop for a very simple reason: they wanted Biden to become president and have total control over him. Our intel agencies no diff from foreign ones—-they want to control us president just as much as Chinese do.

BREAKING: FBI in possession of laptop containing Hunter Biden's emails, and agree with Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe's assessment that emails were not part of Russian disinformation campaign. - Fox News

A DNC lawyer is scrambling to block evidence found on a laptop connected to Debbie Wasserman Schultz that links Clintons to a D.C. pedophile ring. The lawyer acknowledged the laptop contains proof of both a pedophile & spy ring operating at the highest levels of Congress..




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