Kamala promises to hunt down Trump supporters if they win...
Is this a genuine quote? I cannot currently confirm it. Of course the usual suspects are denying it and saying it was from a satirical website, but they cannot agree on which one. Furthermore, it sounds so much like things she has said that it is not far enough out to qualify as humorous satire.
However, I cannot find any recording of her saying it.
I can confirm with video that she did "joke" about killing President Trump, Pence and Jeff Sessions. She's that kind of person.
Did she say the quote below? I do not know. I apologize for not being able to confirm it before posting.
Looks like Scott Adams of Dilbert fame was on to something here:
Remember Biden with these notes abut a month ago saying not to hold a grudge against Kamala Harris and having to remind him to have great respect for her?:
Harris: 'I believe' Biden accusers "Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said that she believes women who say they felt uncomfortable after receiving unwanted touching from former Vice President Joe Biden. "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it," Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada."
Apparently molesting women is not a deal breaker.
Well, we have a pretty good idea what she may have traded to become the VP for the ticket. She has a vicious prosecutorial history and he has a sexual problem so they both fit together. Sex, power, and violence go together. For example:
It certainly looks like Biden forced this little girl’s hand to rub his crotch, and she was shocked and horrified and didn’t know what to do. Short video. https://rense.com/general96/biden-forcing-horrified-little-girl.php Can’t keep his hands off bribe money either… Magic hidden money or favors?
A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report. Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beaconreported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Bidento an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
Collection of Biden racist statements in a devastating short video Tweeted by Trump:
Joe Biden has a Racism Problem:
Biden’s statement about kids rubbing his thighs and learning about “roaches”(vile a racist slur) was his worst one of all time so far, but this was pretty bad too: Biden asserted that “what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the black community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community — with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”
Joe Biden just said that Latinos have diversity of thought, unlike Black Americans… This is disgusting!
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 6, 2020 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/joe-biden-says-black-people-think-notable-exceptions/ Note Biden’s phone is upside down… He is an empty perverted shell...
Are you a junkie?
Joe Biden was asked by Errol Barnett of CBS News if he’d taken a cognitive test during an interview on Wednesday morning. Sleepy Biden lost it.
“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? C’mon man. That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/take-test-junkie-joe-biden-lashes-black-reporter-asks-junkie-asked-take-cognitive-test-video/ pic.twitter.com/f6UMPJq381 Joe Biden Says that While Hospitalized, Nurses Would ‘Breathe in My Nostrils’
grabien.com ^| Jul 22, 2020
TRANSCRIPT: BIDEN: "And I had a nurse at a — nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They would make sure — actually, probably nothing ever taught in — you can't do it in Covid time, but they'd actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving." (Excerpt) Read more at grabien.com...https://grabien.com/story.php?id=298559 More Joe Biden Being a Racist - Blacks Must Be Socialized or Become Predators [11/18/1993 Senate C-SPAN video] C-SPAN via youtube ^| 11/18/1993 | Joe Biden Joe Biden talks about Blacks becoming predators unless they are socialized. Speaks of taking blacks off the streets to protect his family. (Excerpt) See more at youtube.com... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA4YAyJ4TwY&feature=youtu.be
What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Becomes Totally Incoherent During Interview, Says His Campaign Has “Voter Registration Physicians” (VIDEO) During an interview Wednesday with leftist publication This Now, Biden said the police are over militarized, have "become the enemy" and said funding should "absolutely" be reallocated elsewhere. In other words, he's advocating for the defunding of law enforcement as crime across the country continues to skyrocket. It was just three weeks ago when Biden claimed he did not support defunding the police. In fact, he proposed anincreasein funding for policing programs. "Don't defund police, support reforms," Biden wrote in an op-ed for USA Today. "I’ve long been a firm believer in the power of community policing — getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect. That’s why I’m proposing an additional $300 million to reinvigorate community policing in our country. Every single police department should have the money it needs to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras and recruiting more diverse police officers."
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/07/08/joe-biden-says-police-have-become-the-enemy-entertains-defunding-them-n2572130?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=&bcid=dee7640c75ae7dbc2c965c225b5c582d&recip=28143877 Joe Biden Has a Long History of Making Up Stories About Being Arrested:
Biden has lied repeatedly about his run ins with law enforcement. His family has had some sketchy events with the law as well. Here are a bunch of his lies and more: https://www.westernjournal.com/liar-joe-biden-long-history-making-stories-arrested/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=ct-breaking&utm_content=western-journal&ats_es=e250ce23afbaa7ec1cbac60cc94395b3 Who holds a child like this?
https://mobile.twitter.com/MdKnightBabe/status/1292149085001023488/photo/1 ‘ Yup - the Pervert ticket… Podesta? Pizza? Hillary and Kamala? Hmmm. "Meet Maya Harris, Kamala’s sister and Hillary Clinton’s Progressive Link Maya Harris, a civil-rights lawyer and public-policy advocate, slammed Trump’s “regressive and insufficient ‘maternity leave’ policy” as ignorant and out of touch, citing the lack of evidence that “he ever provided paid family leave or child care to his own employees.”
According to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, Harris and Clinton “traffic in midnight e-mails, getting the fine points on policy—deciding what to tweak.” Harris has been “a partner with Hillary,” he said, in developing the domestic agenda for the candidate’s possible Presidency, focussing on issues of race, gender, economic empowerment, criminal justice, policing, immigration, voting rights, and executive action. If Clinton is elected, Harris is likely to take on a top job in the West Wing."
https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/meet-maya-harris-hillary-clintons-progressive-link From the Podesta emails: A pizza party with Hillary, Tony and John Podesta, and Maya Harris (Kamala’s sister). John --
Hosting pizza party at Belmont for HFA on April 10.
Maya Harris is joining, but need you.
Can you come?
Thanks much, Tony
https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/27029 HFA is "Hillary for America” And then there’s Biden Island conveniently near Epstein's Island: "Scott Green, a lobbyist associated with Joe Biden, purchased a lot from a subdivided parcel owned by James Biden, a lobbyist and brother to Joe Biden. I'll skip the sketchy details of the financing, but as with anything Biden-related, nothing is above board:
The property is on a small island, known as Water Island, and is south of the main USVI island by mere yards. And is located about 8 miles to the west of Little St. James Island aka Orgy Island.
Map of the islands https://goo. gl/maps/GoJkMfEjEZ1qUdGH6 [link broken intentionally] We do know from this article, that Joe Biden has stayed on this island at least 3 times: "After the land deal, Joe Biden vacationed elsewhere on the tiny island, which once protected a nearby submarine base before it became a tropical getaway, on at least three occasions." More notably, the island once held an almost-completed defense battery owned by the US Army, known as Fort Segarra. Fort Segarra was built to protect the submarine base located in the cove to its north, on the USVI.
Fort Segarra: https://www.saj.usace.army.mil/FortSegarra/
Here are some details on Water Island:
What particularly struck me as I was reading up on Fort Segarra was this statement: "One of the very cool things about Fort Segarra, in terms of exploring, is its underground tunnels. When coming up to the fort, you will see a small path to your right. Walk down the path for about two minutes and take a left. You will see an entrance to the tunnels." Source: https://newsofstjohn.com/exploring-water-island-fort-segarra/ Finally, this article sums up all of these parts:
So, we have Orgy Island with small submersible access. Ghislaine Maxwell has a submarine pilots license. Tunnels on both LSJI/OI and now Water Island. In addition, Epstein had ownership of a nearby port, giving him unrestricted import/export abilities without scrutiny. And now, we have James Biden, plausibly Joe Biden, owning part of a nearby island which has both submarine access and tunnels.
The big question is - have those tunnels been enhanced beyond what was built for the gun battery emplacement? And, why are the Bidens invested in property nautically next door to LSJI? Another coincidence?