Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot
GOP Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina pressed Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Monday on reports that the Pittsburgh Secret Service field office sent four times the number of additional agents to cover a first lady Jill Biden event than to former President Donald Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he was shot.
Cheatle neither confirmed nor denied that was the case.
Biden was speaking at an event at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh for approximately 300 people close to the same time Trump was speaking at his rally attended by several thousand, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune.
Why is it always - calling for them to step down?? fire their asses and arrest them.
Believe the local man. I have connections in that area. Slupe told the feds to get lost when they came asking for the concealed carry holder names in Butler county. He is a yuge 2a supporter and patriot all the way. The BTPD are patriots of a small township of patriots. That police force is not going to go for any of this corruption.
Questions about the Shooter:
There are several news reports about the efforts taken by the FBI to identify the would-be assassin, including DNA. CNN reported on Sunday, July 14th that agents had “to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation.” However, there is conflicting information about when and where the shooter was confirmed dead and even when law enforcement learned of the shooter’s identity.
Why should the FBI have to conduct DNA analysis when the shooter’s identity had already been established within 30 minutes of the shooting. According to a July 17tharticle by CNN, “within 30 minutes of the shooting…federal law enforcement used a byzantine paper records system to track down decades-old gun sales records to help identify the 20-year-old would-be assassin.” The article continues, “results were provided to the FBI and Secret Service in less than 30 minutes.”Based on the above information, it would appear that the FBI knew of the shooter’s identity literally within thirty minutes of the attack. But it is the whereabouts of the shooter’s body that is troublesome. According to the local Butler Eagle Newspaper, “The coroner and another Deputy later returned after 6a.m. to the American Glass Research (AGR) International building, where he climbed on to its roof to confirm the death of Thomas Matthew Crooks…”
Chain of Custody?
Are you kidding? Twelve hours after the shooting, the coroner is on the roof of the AGR building confirming the shooters death? Was the body lying on top of that building for twelve hours? This is bizarre. What is the chain of custody on this body?
No More Outdoor Rallies
Secret Service now encouraging Trump to stop doing outdoor rallies This isn’t about his safety It’s b/c the Biden regime wants him to stop holding giant rallies that show his popularity And now they’re kind of threatening him “Don’t have huge rallies…or you might get hurt”
-DC Draino
Rasmussen Reports surveyed Americans about the shooter’s motivation.
The poll found that 41 percent of likely voters believe the demonization of Trump — a staple of Democratic and media commentary about him — was the leading cause of the attempt.
It found 57 percent of Republicans, 26 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of independents said painting the former president as evil laid the groundwork for the attempt by Thomas Crooks to kill him.
According to the poll, 40 percent said mental health problems on the part of the gunmanwere the leading cause.
“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that (Trump) is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to Trump's attempted assassination.”
Strongly Agree: 27%
Somewhat Agree: 19%
Somewhat Disagree: 10%
Strongly Disagree: 33%
Not Sure: 10% Democrats: 46%
Agree, 43% Disagree !
Although many voters believe the gunman who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was probably driven by mental illness, most Republicans blame the shooting on the rhetoric of Trump’s enemies.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters think it’s more likely that the attempted assassination at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday was mainly caused by the gunman’s mental health problems, while 41% believe it was mainly caused by the rhetoric of Trump’s political opponents.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Republican voters say the rhetoric of Trump’s opponents was mainly to blame, as do 26% of Democrats and 39% of voters not affiliated with either major party. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Truth Social (DJT stock) and Rumble are partners
CYA on the Short from Austin Private Wealth ... Yeah right.
"Statement on Incorrect Filing with the SEC7/17/2024The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error.No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing.We filed the report on July 12 to reflect our positions on June 28. We amended it on July 16.We deeply regret this error and the concern it has caused, especially at such a fraught moment for our nation. We are committed to full transparency and maintaining the trust of our clients. As such, we are reviewing our internal procedures and our processes with the third-party vendor that assists with SEC filings to better understand how this happened and avoid similar issues moving forward. "
Mostly invests in ETF index funds, Apple, Microsoft, Texas instruments, Adobe, Merck, Salesforce, Pepsi, tech companies, hardware and software, health pharm, and NVIDIA
Congregation Beth Israel in Austin is Reform - same branch as Jacob Rothschild, and probably the farthest removed from Biblical Teachings. (Often accused of being completely non-Biblical Humanists)
Ray on X: "Turns out he's Jewish lol"
It disappeared so I looked for the guy to tell him:
Wow really important people follow this guy.
Tried to send a message to him and got “locked”:
This does not look good…
🚨 SS Director Cheatle Knows How Many Shell Casings were on the Roof, but Refuses to Tell Members of Congress
Why is that so important?
—— The number of shell casings indicates how many shots were fired. In other words, did all shots come from Crooks & not another shooter.
🔴 McClain:
“What are you covering up? What are you hiding my friend?”
Listen closely the video below.
This comes from people videoing Crooks on the roof and you can hear the scene go chaotic when you hear people screaming he has a gun.
Then you don't see...but you hear the first 3 shots.
Compare them to the next 3 shots you hear.
Are they coming from the same place?
In my opinion, you hear the first 3 shots in the distance, but the next 3 shots are closer and would represent Crooks firing from the roof these people are next to.
If this is true, Crooks didn't fire first and it means there was another shooter that took the first 3 shots...the first one hitting Trump's ear.
Second, listen to how quickly he is put down. The moment that 3rd shot is fired, you can hear a single suppressed kill shot hit him on that roof.
Multiple eye witnesses said there were multiple shooters. Now the SS Director refuses to say how many shells were recovered from the roof near Crooks.
Because that would prove Crooks didn't fire all those shots.
About the time before when they did that:
Back in 2002 I recall mentioning to my mother, who was doubtful of my conspiratorial notions, about the put option and short sale volumes in United airlines just before 9-11.
My mother had a friend who was a real investigative journalist at the time in Chicago, who was well aware of the conspiracy talk of 9-11 yet remained a doubter. But when my mother mentioned to her to look at the activity in the volume sales of shorts and puts in United, she admitted it was 1000's of times above historical trading norms for their stock. She wrote an article on it and found some 60% of the put contracts were never cashed in but let to expire, because the insiders who knew to buy but not why to buy, were too scared to cash in their chips.
The Tribune and anyone else she presented the article too would not print it.
This was from a sceptic liberal at the time the free press still existed, and I talked with her personally for hours about this as a young man. She was red pilled after going down that rabbit hole.
The failed assassination attempt on President Trump wasn’t a lone wolf attack, it was coordinated through our government to take out a political opponent. It’s obvious and needs to be investigated.
-- Why wasn’t the perfect sniper location not covered?
-- Why wasn’t Trump removed as soon as an officer climbed up on the roof and saw the gun man with a rifle
and he called it in to an open channel with Secret Services.
-- Why did the Secret Services sniper wait to shoot until after the assassination attempt?
-- Why were the people screaming shooter, shooter on the roof ignored by the Secret Service?
If the Trump assassination was successful, I bet this would have triggered World War III. We know the current administration wants a war to stop the collapse of the US dollar, our opponents know this as well. We are already blaming Iran for the failed assassination, subversion.
Maxwell Yearick Vs. Thomas Crooks
I'm starting to have serious doubts about Thomas Crooks being on that roof.
In the links that DrMcCoy posted, you can clearly see a very frail / thin body laying on the roof.
That body on the roof also has gauge holes in the ears sewn shut. Maxwell Yearick had gauges in his ears at one time.
The frail body seems to be more in keeping with the body of Maxwell Yearick.
Original Thread by xchainlinkx :
DrMcCoy's Links of what he thinks is Maxwell Yearick :
Thomas Crooks in Blue T-shirt :
Thomas Crooks in Blue T-shirt at 3:57 in video :
The Great Awakening and the Apocalypse
"Apocalypse" has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation.[13] It has been defined by John J Collins as "a genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal, in that it envisages eschatological salvation, and spatial, insofar as it involves another, supernatural world."[14] Collins later refined his definition by adding that apocalypse "is intended to interpret present, earthly circumstances in light of the supernatural world and of the future, and to influence both the understanding and the behaviour of the audience by means of divine authority."[14]"