"If ignorance were enough to make things not exist, the world would be more like a lot of people think it is. But it's not. And it's not."
― William Gibson
The first one spoken in late October of 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0
FEMA stands for "Funneling Emergency Money to Aliens"?
I didn't believe in modification of hurricanes by cloud seeding, but there's actually a lot of evidence for it. I changed from a skeptic to someone who thinks it need to be taken more seriously. OK, Here's the strange science stuff:
Project STORMFURY sought to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into the storms and dispersing silver iodide through a process called cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that attempts to alter the processes of a cloud or storm by releasing a substance into the air. Using cloud seeding, the theory behind STORMFURY predicted that the iodide would cause a hurricane’s supercooled water -- water droplets that exist in liquid form at temperatures below freezing -- to freeze, thus disrupting the inner structure of the cyclone. To make up for this disruption, the hypothesis formulated, the wall of the storm’s eye would have to reform, thereby decreasing the maximum wind speeds by up to 30%. Since the amount of damage a hurricane can do relies heavily on the speed of its winds, even the smallest reduction could potentially make a huge difference in protecting lives and property. Therefore, the researchers on STORMFURY spent more than 20 years working to achieve this lofty goal.
The use of cloud seeding to alter a storm was not a new idea -- in fact, a weather modification program known as Project Cirrus accomplished the first cloud seeding of a hurricane back in 1947. However, instead of using silver iodide, this project experimented with dry ice as a method of seeding. Despite its ambitious nature, the successful seeding didn’t come without consequences: the hurricane, which had initially been tracking west to east and heading out to sea, reversed its path after it was seeded and made landfall in Savannah, Georgia, causing local destruction. Many blamed the seeding for this disaster, which had a negative effect on political and legal arrangements for future modification efforts. The project was officially canceled, and the embarrassing incident set back seeding research for more than a decade.
Project STORMFURY was an ambitious experimental program of research on hurricane modification carried out between 1962 and 1983. The proposed modification technique involved artificial stimulation of convection outside the eyewall through seeding with silver iodide.
When Dr. LaSeur stepped down in 1977, Dr. Stanley Rosenthal took over as NHEML Director. … Dr. Rosenthal had been head of the Laboratory's Theoretical Studies Branch, and under his directorship the emphasis of research moved away from weather modification studies and toward computer modeling.
The NOAA C130 was decommissioned in 1981, leaving only the two P3s to carry on hurricane research. To compensate for this the instrumentation on the P3s was greatly improved, with Knollenberg cloud physics probes installed, and in 1982 Doppler processing added to the tail radars. Doppler allowed scientists to derive the hurricane's wind fields by either using radar data from both planes, from a plane and a land based Doppler radar, or even from the same airplane radar from two perpendicular legs. Instead of just having wind information from along the aircraft's track, the wind field from the entire inner core could be mapped out. This provided researchers with greater insight into hurricane structure and dynamics.
Project STORMFURY came to a formal end in 1982, as no hurricane modification experiments had been flown in over a decade, and as serious doubts about the assumptions of STORMFURY came to be expressed. In part the new cloud physics data showed that the amount of supercooled liquid water available in a hurricane was far less than had been thought, and studies of the natural cycles of storm strength showed that what were thought to be the effect of seeding might have been natural. HRD scientists published a paper in 1985 demonstrating many of the flaws in the original STORMFURY premises. Hurricane modification studies and experiments were shelved for the forseeable future.
Yes they are still using Orion P3 aircraft to fly into hurricanes
A chaotic scene unfolded inside a federal research plane tracking the intensity and direction of Hurricane Milton, which is currently in the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to make landfall on Florida’s west coast Wednesday night.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration posted footage Tuesday from inside the hurricane hunter WP-3D Orion plane known as “Miss Piggy.”
This is definitely on the wild side but bring up some interesting idea tha may be relevant:
He brings up the idea of seeding clouds with fine metal particles and then hitting them with microwaves from ground based systems.
Comment: Timing with the Cold War may be Relevant
If you could modify an existing eyewall you could not only steer the center, you could also slow it down over warm water to strengthen it or speed it up to weaken it.
With sufficient disruption of the existing eyewall one could conceivably initiate a chaotic breakdown of the organized structure resulting in a lot of rain and wind in a localized area.
The time when they canceled the project publicly was during the height of the Cold War with Russia. The military value of such a weaponization is obvious. Aurora says there were patents that existed on this and that they then disappeared from the database, suggesting that this was canceled publicly but continued as a dark project.
This is also interesting and puzzling:
Click here for a good view of the strange thing: https://x.com/RagingKuJo1222/status/1841488379726156083
"Even in the 60s the CIA used this to bring down monsoons in the Vietnam war to wash out the Vietcong." - Dr. Michio Kaku, physics professor at City College of New York
Weather War on Cuba with Hurricane Camille?
(The music is annoying but its an interesting data point.)
Spoiler: The FEMA press releases are her source:
Sheriff calls for militia:
Yeah we can play this on the air.
Farmer's Almanac sort of science: