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Woke Money


Best Financial Analysis:

"SVB is a holding company containing a broker-dealer and a bank. Only the banking component appears to have failed. This is the second largest bank failure in U.S. history, and in a weakening economy, panic has set in.­­ SVB’s downturn coincided with widespread decline in banking stocks and for good reason. Around half of all VC-backed startups do business with SVB. It is a critical player in biotech, cybersecurity, and social media, but really the name says it all: it was the most important publicly traded bank specializing in Silicon Valley. SVB was so ubiquitous that startups were encouraged or felt pressure to work with the bank to gain access to venture capital."

More here:

Another theory that perhaps should also be considered: They intentionally crashed SVB FIRST, in order to get the billionaires 100% 'bailed out' using FDIC funds BEFORE the 'widespread collapse'. They will drain all the FDIC funds.

Atlas Shrugged:

Walmart to close remaining Portland stores as city faces shoplifting crisis

almart will close its last two stores in crime-plagued Portland, Ore., as the city contends with a relentless wave of shoplifting that has hammered retailers.

The two stores, located in the North and Southeastern sections of the Rose City, will shutter on March 24.

Nearly 600 employees who worked at the two stores face potential layoffs or transfers.


Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”

James Comer: “It’s as bad as we thought… Since we’ve last spoken we have bank records in hand. We have individuals who are working with our committee. In the last two weeks we’ve met with either these individuals personally or with their attorneys. And that would be four individuals who had ties in with the Biden family in their various schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents We have in hand documents in hand that show just how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.”

From one observer:

What are the biggest media lies of the last few years?

-Covid-19 (all of it)

-Jan 6 'insurrection'

-'safe and effective' jab

-Jussie Smollett

-Bubba Wallace

-Covington hoax

-Kyle Rittenhouse's story

-'Very fine people' hoax

-'drinking bleach'

-'horse dewormer'

-Russian collusion

-Ghost of Kyiv

-Hunter Biden laptop

-'Don't Say Gay' bill

-Twitter collapse post-Elon

-Nord Stream pipeline

-'Transitory' inflation

-Men can get pregnant

-BLM narrative

-'2 weeks to flatten the curve'

-Blaming Russia for a missile that landed in Poland

Another observer: Larry Johnson

We are now living in an age where lies are presented as “truth” and anyone who dares to speak out against those lies is accused of being either a racist or transphobic or pro-Putin. In short, a conspiracy theorist. I started thinking about this in depth in the wake of Tucker Carlson’s revelations this week about the so-called January 6th Insurrection. Before Carlson showed the actual video footage from the Capitol, the world, not just the American public, were presented with a skillfully crafted flood of propaganda that portrayed Trump supporters as violent racists who wantonly killed Capitol Hill police. That is a lie. Not a single police officer of any kind was killed by Trump supporters on January 6. Not one. Yet high ranking U.S. Government officials, such as the despicable Attorney General, Merrick Garland, continue to repeat that falsehood and no one in the mainstream media is rebutting his mendacity. But it is not just January 6. The United States government and many of its citizens are embracing a tsunami of lies. Here are a few:

The economy is doing swell and inflation is under control.

  • Men can have babies.

  • White racists represent the greatest threat to American security.

  • Russia is a communist, authoritarian state.

  • Wearing masks and taking vaccines prevents you from catching COVID.

  • Russia meddled in the 2016 election and insured Donald Trump’s victory.

  • Russia’s military is weak and performing poorly on the ground in Ukraine.

  • Ukraine’s President Zelensky is on par with Winston Churchill.

When you are lying to yourself about yourself you endanger yourself. Let’s say you are five foot eight and weigh 260 pounds. Instead of admitting you are a fat slob and in danger of becoming a diabetic, you continue to eat sugar saturated food and insist you are healthy. It does not matter what you believe about yourself, biology and medical facts will catch up to you and you are not likely to have a long life.

The same principle about the adverse consequences of self-delusion apply to nation states. America, in particular, is at a precarious moment in its history and is behaving like a cocaine addict who also loves an occasional hit of fentanyl. The United States has not yet overdosed, but it is only a matter of time before its continued excesses — economically, socially and militarily — will produce a fatal crisis.

Matt Taibbi Drops Another Twitter Files Ahead of Testimony to Congress: The Censorship-Industrial Complex

How to take out an army without firing a shot:

"The COVID data that I’ve read through and analyzed this week is so shocking that I had to check my math twice. I must have made a mistake, I thought. Out of the 1,195,000 active duty military members in the USA and the 778,000 reserve troops, 863,013 developed nervous system diseases in the six-month period between August of 2021 and this past January. That’s 43% of the troops."

That’s according to data from an attorney named Thomas Renz, who just presented the military vaccine data to a US Senate committee. Renz has also put the US government on notice with a warning: All COVID vaccine mandates from the US government must end immediately.

Renz presented the data to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) this past week. He’s the attorney representing 30 US Navy sailors in Florida, who are suing the lawless Biden regime over the vaccine mandates. A few days ago, I wrote about one of Renz’s whistleblowers who is a US Army flight surgeon, Dr. Theresa Long. Dr. Long broke down and cried on the stand last week as she testified about how thousands of her fellow soldiers have been permanently harmed by the COVID vaccines.

Renz also sent the same document – roughly 200 pages – to every elected Member of Congress, all 50 state governors and all fifty state Attorneys General. There is no longer any excuse. Almost every high-level elected official now has a copy of the data that Renz pulled from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). They all know that the COVID vaccines are doing permanent damage to people and shaving decades off their lives.

DMED is one of the most highly respected epidemiology databases in the world. The Army has a whole division that monitors and maintains the database. It’s a far more accurate database than the CDC’s VAERS system, which supposedly under-reports vaccine injuries by about 90%.

From 2016 to 2020, the five-year average for military members developing nervous system diseases was about 82,000 per year. Between this past August and January, right when Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for the troops went into effect, that number jumped by 1,048% to 863,013.

“Nervous system diseases” is a blanket term, but some of the conditions that this includes are extremely serious, like epilepsy. If you start having seizures, your military career is over, no matter which branch of the service you’re in. People with epilepsy aren’t even allowed to join the military.

Those aren’t the only shocking data points from the DMED information. During that same time period of August 2021 through January 2022, the following spikes in serious illnesses and diseases occurred in the US military:

Cases of testicular cancer went up 369% (3,537 cases). Breast cancers went up 536% (4,357 cases). Stomach cancers were up 624% (4,060 cases) and thyroid cancers were up 474% (1,950 cases). Neuroendocrine cancers, ovarian cancers, and esophageal cancers were all up significantly as well.

22,620 servicemembers developed thyroid dysfunction after getting vaccinated, a 303% increase over the five-year average. 2,750 servicemembers developed multiple sclerosis, a 680% increase.

53,846 servicemembers were diagnosed with hypertension after being vaccinated. The five-year average prior to Joe Biden’s illegal, conscience-violating vaccine mandate was 2,360 cases of hypertension each year. Hypertension cases jumped by 2,281% after Biden’s mandate.

307 servicemembers developed myocarditis, 850 developed pericarditis, 3,489 had pulmonary embolisms, and 3,136 had cerebral infarctions. Their military careers are over. The babies of 18,951 pregnant service members developed congenital malformations in the womb after the mothers were vaccinated.

The saddest data point revealed by the DMED data is the number of servicemembers who were sexually sterilized by the COVID shots. 11,748 women and 8,365 men became sterile after Joe Biden forced them to take these experimental shots. That’s 20,113 people who volunteered to serve their country, who will never be able to have children now. Another 4,086 female servicemembers now have ovarian dysfunction, so they also may or may not be able to have children.

If tens of thousands of service members have sustained these injuries from the vaccines, how many millions of Americans in the general population must be suffering right now? This human experimentation program has been catastrophic, and it needs to end immediately.

To read attorney Thomas Renz’s report to Congress yourself, you will find it HERE. Pages 9 and 10 of the document contain the relevant military vaccine injury data in an easy-to-read chart.

Not related?

Cue the UFOs

There is a possibility that extraterrestrial motherships and smaller probes may be visiting planets in our solar system, the head of the Pentagon’s unidentified aerial phenomena research office noted in a report draft shared Tuesday.

“[A]n artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions,” Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, wrote in a research report co-authored by Abraham Loeb, chairman of Harvard University’s astronomy department.

Kirkpatrick, who was appointed as director of the AARO when it was founded in July 2022, previously served as the chief scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center. The AARO was established to investigate unidentified “objects of interest” around military installations, according to a Pentagon press release.

Loeb, on the other hand, gained notoriety when he proposed our galaxy had been traversed by its first visitor from outer space in October 2017. At that time, the PanSTARRS telescope in Hawaii detected an object moving through our solar system at a speed that caused some scientists to suggest it was from another galaxy. The object’s orbit also hinted at other forces besides the sun’s gravitational pull influencing its movement.

Scientists dubbed the object “Oumuamua,” the Hawaiian term for “scout,” which Kirkpatrick and Loeb offer in their research paper as an example of a possible mothership with probe capabilities.

The research paper — titled “Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”




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